Be Still Meditation

"Girl, you need a ritual. You need something to believe in."

It's what my massage therapist told me a few weeks ago after my body was aching from head to toe. She balanced my chakras & told me people-pleasing is bad for my health.


I took to the beach immediately & began a daily ritual to center myself. It mixes a little of what I learned from a meditation workshop & a lot of what my body told me works best for me. I want to share it with you because I have an inkling you're overworked, worn out & definitely not gifting yourself with still moments that should be ALL ABOUT YOU. Guilt-free, I might add.

Is it just me or does the world as a whole seem a bit fidgety?

There's always a deadline to meet, an email to reply back to, errands to run. Lately, I've become a victim of my to-do list. Being a victim of any kind is energy-sucking & soul-draining. I struggle being still with my thoughts, to let them trickle through me like freshwater instead of letting them build up in my gut like cement.

My body was screaming for daily meditation to reenergize my mind, body & soul. I answered her call & found sitting still makes me feel more present, more alive. What's great about creating a daily ritual is it's as individual as the person doing it. Deep down you know what you need to realign yourself & sitting still opens you up to that call within.

Riding my bike to the beach in the morning to face the sun sets the tone for my day. I breathe in positivity, breathe out negativity, & set an intention for my mind, voice & heart. When I can't make it to the beach I set up a sacred space wherever I am because it's really about having a space of your own. I naturally refer back to these feelings when the day gets crazy & stand more firm on my decisions because of them.

If you're being pulled in a million directions all day it's easy to get sidetracked so centering myself is a priority right when I wake up. It turns that reaction mode madness into making the best choices for you & listening to what you need for the day.

Everyone's ritual is personal & sacred. What's most important is creating time just for you. A lot of women, myself included, thrive off of filling other people up (boyfriends, friends, family, husbands, children, coworkers, clients, strangers, etc.) so much we often forget to treat ourselves first with love, respect & understanding.

It's why I believe in the sisterhood of the Skinny Dip Society because it supports women taking the leap to embrace who they are unapologetically, which can be a long journey of personal discovery & tough habits to break. Katie, the society creator, guides you every step of the way. She's a holistic health coach & a woman I happen to know works her ass off guiding people to unearth their purpose & true desires. She embodies the need to center yourself on a daily basis.

I'm honored to be a pit stop on the Skinny Dip Society's Blog Tour, nestled between a story of life changes that made Ashley of The Shine Project come alive and in anticipation of learning more about Conni's journey as a personal stylist on Art in the Find tomorrow. I'm excited to follow along.

I hope sharing one of my rituals will inspire you to begin one of your own when & where you need it most. The tour is really to show you, the woman yearning to let her soul shine, that it's time to embrace your light. Sitting still will remind you who you are, what you crave & how you really feel.

xo, you brave (& now totally chilled out) ones! Em

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

Summer Denim


Thoughts On Courage