February | Life Lately
February – March 2019 Full Moon
The January–February moon cycle is consistently the HARDEST cycle for me so needless to say I'm glad we made it through. Negative temps, a week-long head cold, and cabin fever vibes big time. Boo! But a lot of great things happened too and I'm excited for what's ahead. February is Black History Month, these are some great accounts I recommend to refresh your feed to go beyond just this month: White Girl Learning for great book recommendations, Rachel Cargle for a true history lesson each day, and Red Table Talk, a multi-generational talk show of relevant conversations on culture and our current landscapes. Learning lights me up. It naturally teaches empathy, connection, & understanding. I'm getting that in spades lately and it feels really good.
Recommended book: The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams
GR Mag Wedding Profile
The February issue of Grand Rapids Magazine is now in print! If you're local, look for it at your favorite coffee shop. I wrote Tips and Trends for the 2019 Wedding Season on best practices for planning the menu, along with receptions trends I'm seeing for the wedding season this year. It's cheeky and fun and I loved working with Ginger Bakes and Tifani Lyn for the content.
International Women's Day Co-work
I'm linking up with Ashley of Sincerely Ashley for International Women's Day again this year – March 8, mark your calendars! We're planning a fun local event for women in the community to work together for the day at a new place in town. If you're interested, shoot me a note. More details coming soon. See last year's IWD here.
Creative Grace Issue 03
How are we already here?! It seems like yesterday I was putting together the Winter Issue of Creative Grace and here we are ramping up for Spring. Music to my ears, we are SO CLOSE to brighter days, friends! Subscribe to Creative Grace now to be on the list in time for Issue 03, launching on the Spring Equinox in mid-March. It will come right to your inbox, a little Spring celebration to look forward to.
Winter Fun
When Joel and I started dating, he made it his mission to have me fall in love with winter. It was a huge undertaking considering I spent my childhood winters in heated, brightly lit gyms playing basketball. I didn't even own a pair of winter boots! About 10 years later and Joel's getting somewhere. :P We've snowboarded in the freshest pow I've ever seen, community bonfires in town, a full week of snow days cuddled inside watching new shows and The Grammy's and have walked lake trails with Tiger in the soul-reviving fresh air and fallen snow. Our lake cottage
Root Cause Reset with Ditea Wellness
Still on the RCR train with Diane. I keep talking about it because it's truly been a health journey of ups and downs, new habits, lessons, and getting to know ME. I'm learning so much about whole foods, fatty proteins, digestion, my cycle, and fun products to keep it interesting. Like this bright pink pill purse that holds my supplements now. This last month I've tried new recipes, am getting into a grocery crawl routine, scouting stores with my favorite products, and observing how managing stress is my biggest battle. Oh and Diane's salted fat mocha recipe is a GAME. CHANGER. You must try it!
Austin, TX
I've joined an amazing event team for a tech company and am helping with their summer event in Austin. We went to great restaurants after each workday and I've come home with new energy completely inspired by the Austin vibes. I'll be putting together more visual inspiration and sharing here soon. I mean look at those turquoise subway tiles! Swoon.
Full Moon Monthly recaps life lately and what’s on the horizon. See all moons here.