A note on authenticity in your creative business

Happy Friday! What did you think of yesterday's post? I was so excited Joel came to the forefront to share his expertise on the power of influence in professional relationships. It was more business-oriented than maybe you're used to for Brave Girl but we felt it's an important topic for my reader base.

As I mentioned yesterday, when it comes to technical and business jargon, I zone out a bit. It isn't because I'm not smart or serious enough to understand the terms and concepts, it just isn't my love language. It made me wonder if other creatives feel that too? I know a lot of solopreneurs, bloggers, and small business owners who are geniuses at expressing themselves and relating to their tribe but hate talking finances, SEO analytics, or quarterly goals, myself included.

These deeper dive topics are what keeps your ship afloat and running smoothly when you can't be in front of the screen or when you need to do the work, as well as reach more people.

Joel & I were talking more about this last night as we were celebrating his first blog post (he's so popular, god) and the phrase, "Remember why you started". I don't want to lose sight of what Brave Girl is for me and what I want it to be for you. But I'm ready to keep growing and trying out new things that I feel are a closer representation to what Brave Girl is and who I am as a writer and designer.

Remembering why you started is always a good memory to look back on but it isn't a check post for authenticity. Why you started isn't always why you're still here.

Tag your daily biz vignettes and fresh office style with #bravegirlofficestyle

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.


How To Build A Following Organically*


Guest Post: The Power of Influence