Chilly July Day on the Pier

Joel kept referencing Indiana Jones because of my hat (unless he meant I look like Harrison Ford?). As you can see, Tiger wasn't a great sidekick due to ALL THE OTHER THINGS he'd rather be doing than taking pictures.

I chose a classic blue jean / white tee combo then layered it for walking the pier on an oddly chilly day. Stolen from my mom's stylebook, she always used to tell me if all else fails put on your favorite jeans, a crisp white tee, and red lipstick. Immediate confidence booster.

I also stole from my Stylebook for my accessories. The main reason I'm trying this app is out of pure laziness – I want to feel confident & put together in what I'm wearing without the stewing, the doubt, and throwing shit everywhere around my room 5 minutes before I have to leave. Because once I leave, it's not about the clothes. It's about what I'm doing & who I'm with. I essentially don't want clothes getting in my way of being present in the moment.

Short answer – I love organization.

So anyway, I added a cardigan and scarf for warmth, moccasins for comfort, and a felt hat in a similar red clay color as shoes and scarf. Under $150 for an outfit seems pretty good, what do you think? I don't have much context as to what's cheap or expensive (just ask Joel) so definitely curious. I like laying it out like this though!

This was one of our first weekend's home since May. It was a semi-relaxing (AKA making sure Tiger didn't pee on every rock in sight) walk down the pier, taking in the beautiful view at sunset.

I remember walking the pier the night we moved here. We were in awe that we'd now be calling this place home. The hard work continues to be worth it to live here. After a long week, I was so grateful to see our home with fresh eyes.

Exactly one week later and we're looking at record high temps for July. Oh Michigan, love ya. I won't be wearing anything near as layered this weekend. Bathing suits only, clothing optional.

Happy weekend! Em

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

Moodboard: Namaslay


Bride Brain