Bride Brain

I referred to myself as "the bride" for the first time during our engagement today. It was in an email to my #bridetribe (seriously, who am I?!) where I referenced Drake and told them to do their own makeup because most of them taught me how to do it, among other notes that were actually useful.

Many people have referred to me as the bride since October, of course. They've said things like, "What the bride wants, the bride gets" or "It's up to the bride to decide" or "Wow, I didn't think you'd be that type of bride."

But today, it was me calling me the bride.

Which is a minor but distinct difference. It's like when someone says you're an artist and you kind of brush it off like oh that's so kind of you to say because you don't believe you're an artist but want to keep the conversation going. Then one day you start to feel inside you that you are, in fact, an artist, and it's about damn time you began believing it for yourself.

Empowering. Intentional. An honor.

I am the bride (for now). I can't wait for how it feels when I first say, "Your wife" and "My husband" and "Our life."

Empowering. Intentional. An honor.

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

Chilly July Day on the Pier


Weekender Bags