Silly Fantastical Dream World

I am wired to work.

Self-discovery bubbles up quickly in solitude. I’m comfortable in this space due to working from home frequently in my career but the discovery of self is discomforting regardless of practiced habit. Especially when what you’ve discovered is no longer serving you.

Pandemic or not, pregnancy or not, my default in both crises or a silent moment is to do something.

How beautiful is it to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.
— Spanish Proverb

Is it surprising this proverb originates in Spain, or anywhere else but the States? An American is incapable of expressing a sentiment such as this, they don’t have the experience to speak to it. Doing nothing is a betrayal of identity. We’ve been on a schedule since conception. To then rest after the nonexistent occasion of doing nothing? Incomprehensible. The progress and profits we would lose. It’s a silly fantastical dream world that should be quickly breezed over before we let it hit too close to home.

This is exactly the kind of world — do nothing, rest afterward — that will save us.

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

Sunday Linen 02: Rebuilding


Spring Equinox