A graphic designer walks into a fashion show...

Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog | Photo rights Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog | Photo rights Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

...and walks the runway! I know, I'm still struggling to believe it too but there are photos that confirm I did indeed walk in the Lee & Birch Holiday Fashion Show last night. I was nervous as hell. It's all over my face in these photos, I'm guessing you can see it too.

Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog | Photo rights Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog | Photo rights Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

Lee & Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 at Wealthy Studios

The point is, I did it anyway. Despite my fear of all eyes on me and not knowing how to walk a runway properly. It's so interesting where the mind can go when we feel less than others, isn't it? I consider myself a pretty confident person these days but I did not feel that way standing next to other women with better hair, better legs, better lipstick, the list goes on.

It wasn't that they were actually better, in reality, but that's where the mind goes when you're not feeling confident in yourself. There must be something wrong with you because of them. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it happens. And you have to push through the mind games to just do the damn thing.

Not to mention I'm a pretty shy person by nature when I don't know anyone in the room. I'm most definitely that person standing alone for a bit until others feel sorry for her and come up and talk out of obligation. I often use this to my advantage but last night I was too nervous to feign confidence. I kind of just wanted it to be over, that's how nervous I was!

Safe to say I will not be America's Next Top Model after my modeling stint but I'm really proud of myself for doing something that previously scared the shit out of me. It would've been easier to say no & rationalize that I was too busy like I did last year with the Anthro Holiday Show.

No one tripped me or switched my clothes around before outfit change or laughed at how awkward I was (very real concerns I had going into it) so I consider it a success.

Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog | Photo rights Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography


Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog | Photo rights Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog | Photo rights Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

It was held in the new Wealthy Studios in Grand Rapids too which was a super cozy space as the snow fell outside. A very festive way to kick off the holiday season. The artisan boutique half of the space has some great calendars, my favorite P.F. & Co. candles, and stationery I had my eye on when I wasn't nervously gulping down rosé. Worth a stop if you're in the Eastown area.

Lee and Birch Holiday Fashion Show 2018 | Emily Bode Blog

I celebrated with my handsome man and a good ole Bonfire Brown at our local watering hole immediately afterward. It felt the most like me. I encourage you to do something that scares the shit out of you this weekend. Doesn't need to be anything major or life-changing. Just something you wouldn't usually do that breaks the routine of your self-imposed rules. It's only uncomfortable until it's not.

Happy weekend, friends! xo, Em

All photo rights are Lee & Birch by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.


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