May | Life Lately

Happy May Full Moon! I’ve enjoyed the front row view of Spring emerging in our neighborhood. Watching the buds on the trees begin to unfold. People have had a more acute interest in the moon lately. We all live beneath the same One. There’s something to rely on. This is the last moon cycle before we meet our little girl. Removing anything nonessential to her best interest is my priority right now.


Preparing for Mamahood | As much preparing as one can do for something they’ve never done before. There are two camps of Mamas at this stage; one prepares for every possibility not realizing the scenario they didn’t think of is probably the one they’ll be presented with. The other has little to no desire for preparation at all deciding they’ll figure it out once it’s in front of them. I am in the first camp wishing I was in the second. Pregnancy is a big ole mirror you can’t look away from. So I wash her onesies, her little bloomers. I fold them, unfold, refold again, and surrender into this wave. Ready or not, I am so excited to hold her.

More Mama posts


Spring 10x10 | I finished a 10-day style challenge just in time before my belly outgrew most of the items. I’ll probably be wearing most of Joel’s clothes from here on out. It was a nice routine to get through another stay at home extension and bring more color into my wardrobe. More than the clothes I enjoyed knowing 5 other women were doing it with me. I don’t know what people are doing right now but a handful of us suited up in denim jackets at the same time to face our days.

Spring 10x10 looks


Boat | We got a boat! Getting it ready for a summer on the lake. Where will your newborn be, you ask? Snoozing in the closed-bow cuddy, of course! Having a boat to putz around the bayous, river, and Lady Lake Michigan has been a dream of ours since we moved here. We’re a few maintenance projects away from her maiden voyage. My neighbor told me what BOAT stands for — Bring Out Another Thousand — so we’ll see how it goes. The way Joel’s face lights up every time he sees it out the window makes it all worth it. Can’t wait to get it out on the water!


Reading | The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care by Emma Loewe & Lindsay Kellner
Listening | Stevie Nicks Radio
Watching | The Last Dance

I love how the full moon and Mother’s Day are connected this year. When we found out we were pregnant we couldn’t have known milestones would fall on meaningful moon phases & holidays. What has shown up has been what we’ve needed. I’ve been brought to my knees in fear and uplifted in joy above my body, often by the hour. I’m trying to hold true and honor this sacred space I’ve been given. I go back & forth between wanting to share my experience in-depth to keep private this sacred time for me and my family. Based on all of the recommendations, notes, & thinking of you texts, there is a group of women who know exactly what I mean. Thank you, Mamas. I have needed you so badly & you have shown up. You can see all full moon posts here.

Happy Full Moon, friends! xo, Em

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

June | Life Lately


Spring 10×10: Maternity Edition