Spring Faith

There is a phrase the yoga instructor says when you're in a particularly difficult bind or twist.

"Breathe into the space that's feeling the most heat."

This heat is where the stretch hurts most. The place you're most likely not flexible in yet. My reaction was to stop breathing when the discomfort came. To act like it didn't exist. I was making it harder on myself & wasn't feeling better in the moves. I began to trust "breathing into the heat" this week out of desperation because what I thought was best for me wasn't getting me anywhere. I was in a twist that made me feel muscles I didn't know existed. I would have fallen over or torn something if I didn't breathe into the muscle so I imagined my air flowing to the space that needed it most.

Then, something miraculous happened. I opened up space in me I didn't know was closed. I no longer felt pain in the mystery muscle & was surprisingly able to take the stretch further. Then, I started to see faith differently. What I thought faith was as a kid is very different from how I see it now. Faith is a big word with lots of meanings & opinions attached which is why it's my Spring feeling based on the resolution I made earlier this year.

Faith: I want to feel more in the moment & less fearful of what I inevitably cannot control. Like the snake shedding his skin so he can be refreshed & the butterfly who transforms so she gains new perspectives. I am feeling a rebirth coming on with the change of the season. A renewed faith in my actions, my relationships, & my beliefs will be lovely to explore. Kind of like a spring cleaning for the soul.

I'm going to continue with my replenish discoveries as well because I'm hooked on learning new ways to live more naturally but will focus on my new word from day-to-day. I'm not sure what this change means yet but felt compelled to say it aloud & begin despite not having a plan.

Here's where my head's at this week:

 Happy Saturday, brave ones. I'm off to hang with Joel in the garage as he brews another batch of his delicious beer!

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.


Color Theory: Flora + Fauna


A Shower Story