Bad Mom

Chatting with a friend the other day — we felt like bad moms.

We run ourselves into the ground every day trying to do & be all of the things, while still far from physically healed ourselves. We’ve gone overboard in the new mom department. getting all the baby products we don’t need, asking all the questions to our pediatricians, & participating in all the annoying mom pyramid scheme events on Facebook “for the baby”.

Why? Both our babes are growing, breathing, & smiling.

where does this pressure come from? It’s internalized but what is the source? In the 1920s when women were fighting for their right to vote, new research emerged about child development & the need for women to stay home to be the main source for their growth. Ironic? I’m paraphrasing but the notion that women cannot have equal rights and be a good mom at the same time deserves a deeper dive. This construct continues to play out today in different forms.

It seems mom guilt is a relatively new term after talking with mothers of past generations. They didn’t incessantly question their way of mothering. They did what they thought was best within their means during their child-rearing years. Yet here we are, the following generation of mothers, juggling nursing, career, & that god-forsaken tummy time, feeling like bad moms at the end of the day.

what gives?

tee by Bee & Fox: Every mother is a working woman.

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

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