Living & Loving By the Lake
Homwork #3: Living & Loving by the Lake
This week's Homwork prompt was to put a spin on the overused phrase "Live. Laugh. Love." and make it your own.
I've loved playing with watercolor and lettering since working with it for a client project (more to share on that soon!). Not only how it looks but how it feels. It's made me realize loosening up my hand is what's been missing for me in my lettering. This watercolor approach is helping me discover other styles of lettering I enjoy. I don't have to maintain the same one all the time. An eye-opening statement for me.
When I get really wound up about a full client & project schedule, everything about me tenses up from my neck to my hands to my mind & heart. Not good. Not healthy. Then the water comes along. Softly. Unassuming. Always there. Reminding me what I'm made of.
How do you feel about the water? What does it do for you? xo, Em
Find each week's lettering on my Instagram. Or join the creative challenge anytime and receive emails from Lauren with the next week's prompt. Sign-up here.
Voted Top 100 Women Blogs to Follow
Brave Girl has been voted Top 100 Women Blogs to Follow by Feedspot! I've been wondering how to tell you or if I should even share it. Then I decided I'm just gonna. Forget the games or thinking too hard. So there it is.
Brave Girl is in a lineup of blogs and websites I've admired for years like Darling Magazine, Ms. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and The Every Girl. To say I'm excited and proud is an understatement. It's also a testament to you – for being here with me. For reading my words and on multiple occasions both online and in real life, you've shown up for me. You've encouraged me to keep sharing my message and deep feelings as a woman, a creative, and messy human being. You've given me the dose of tough love I need when I'm about to give up and you say, "Girl, you better not quit. We need you to be you."
So THANK YOU for standing next to the fearful girl who timidly spoke her message to find her strength and encourage others to own theirs. Your courage is contagious. See the full list of inspiring women-led publications here. xo, Em
PS: Celebrate with me by sharing a moment where you've felt courageous recently, small or big, in the comments. What did you do? How did you feel?!
Photos by Kristin Jones
Self-Care for Creatives: Why it isn't a luxury
Get your sweat on: walk, run, yoga...
As I mentioned last week, I'm doing a self-care challenge this February with a little help from my friends. I did more digging into what self-care is and want to share why you don't need to make purchases to take care of yourself. Reading Self Care 101 on the Girl Boss website shifted my perspective on self-care big time. I often associate self-care with buying things but it isn't the only or even the best way to practice it.
How to practice self-care as an entrepreneur (source: Girlboss)
Luxurious or large proclamations aren't necessary to practice daily self-care. It's all about the intention behind our actions really. Of course healthy food, fitness memberships, and workout gear will cost something but I'm talking about using a purchase as an excuse to delay working out (I'm so guilty of this!). I've rationalized starting yoga only once I buy a new pair of yoga pants.
Just YouTube yoga, lay down a towel, and move those hips to downward dog, chica!
Self-care prompt: walk, run, yoga...
So let's get our sweat on this week. Especially with it being a week full of love. However that shows up for you, go for it. You might not even need new gear. This time of year is SO HARD for me to simply MOVE and it definitely affects my mind, body, well-being in a nasty way. I have a few more days of my yoga membership at Funky Buddha Yoga Hothouse so I'll be sweating it out there, taking Tiger for long walks, and a fun dance class with a few girlfriends that I always feel amazing after doing.
Resources if you need a starting point: AM Yoga meditation & flows free podcast (thanks Megan!) / Bad Yogi YouTube free videos / WERQ class at Live.Dance.Move for $6 drop-in
Let me know if you're doing it with me by tagging a photo or story of your workout with #iamlovingme on Instagram. I'd love to cheer you on. Have a great week! xo, Em
Creative Business Chats foster conversation and community amongst creatives seeking tips for getting started. Includes behind the scenes of freelance/business ownership. See all chats here.
Self-Care for Creatives: Why writing relieves stress
Write for 10 minutes to yourself this week
There is nothing quite like waking up to coffee, lighting a candle, and writing without an agenda for 10-20 minutes to start your day. I used to roll my eyes at the thought of a slow morning. Concerned that starting slow would mean missing out. But writing for even 10 minutes before hopping on email or rushing to a meeting isn't as counterintuitive as it seems. It sets the pace for my day and allows me to focus on one thing at a time, which is truly all we can do successfully anyways.
I started doing this a couple of years ago from a prompt in The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. The idea is to write stream of consciousness in a journal to get it all out. I do it a few times a week in a journal for my eyes only. Sometimes in the morning, but not always. Sometimes I throw the pages away to clear my head or get the negative emotions out which tend to run rampant in my mind if I don't actively remove them.
A self-care prompt for this week:
Gift yourself a journal and write a few times this week for 10-20 minutes. Maybe a set time just to hold yourself accountable to a new habit. I like to include a nice little note to myself at the end; we are to others as we are first to ourselves.
Journals if you need a starting point: Rifle Co. Botanicals Notebooks / Moleskine Soft Cover Journal/ Classic Marble Composition Notebook
Let me know if you're doing it with me by tagging a photo or story of your journal with #iamlovingme on Instagram. I'd love to cheer you on. Have a great week! xo, Em
Creative Business Chats foster conversation and community amongst creatives seeking tips for getting started. Includes behind the scenes of freelance/business ownership. See all chats here.
Now is the time for rose-colored glasses
Homwork #2 Now is the time for rose-colored glasses
This week's Homwork prompt was to redo a piece you created in the past to see how far you've come in your skill. I recreated my rose-colored glasses girl from 2014.
Improvements made:
1. I like the materials I used more this time around – watercolor paper (thanks Mom!) and paint, my favorite ink pen, and colored pencil for the letters.
2. I didn't push so heavy on my pen this time or maybe I got the ink to paper mix right. Last time I remember thinking the ink bled too much but wasn't sure what to do about it.
3. Placement feels more thoughtful now. I wanted the glasses to demand attention and have smaller circles balance out the image with her earring, cheek rouge, and little side-knot.
I remember drawing her after yoga one night in 2014. I was completely frustrated with my career and feeling very impatient so I drew the woman I hoped to be. Some elements feel the same between them but 2018 Rose Colored Glasses girl looks grown to me;
Confident but not cocky.
Awake without demanding attention.
Playful yet passionate.
May you put on your own rose-colored glasses this week and see the glow in the ordinary. Or be the glow yourself and let it inspire those around you.
How are you brightening your days lately? What's one of your favorite projects you've created so far? xo, Em
Find each week's lettering on my Instagram. Or join the creative challenge anytime and receive emails from Lauren with the next week's prompt. Sign-up here.
Remember why you started
Homwork #1 Remembering why you started
Amidst the trillion other things I thought would be a good idea to sign-up for all at once as the clock struck 2018, was a weekly lettering challenge by Lauren Hom. She's a badass letterist and illustrator whose work I've admired since her Daily Dishonesty days.
This week's prompt was to write your name surrounded by your favorite things. And it really came at perfect timing because when you're working for yourself, it's very easy to forget the reason you started in the first place. You want it to work SO BAD that sometimes the hustle takes over the heart. Or you're drowning in tracking hours, invoices, emails so you can keep working on the things you feel is most important to give back to this world.
So, this was a good one to work on today. Because I kind of forgot that I LOVE listening to my blues records and why not play those more? Oh and a slow Saturday in Joel's flannel with coffee and a good book. All the more reason to finish up my work today and enjoy a relaxing weekend home.
You can also find each week's lettering on my Instagram. If you're interested, join the creative challenge anytime and you'll receive a weekly email from Lauren with the next week's prompt. Sign-up here.
Why did you start? What's on your mind to start that you haven't yet? xo, Em
Best Nine 2017
Best Nine 2017
Have you heard of the Best 9 on Instagram? You may have seen people posting a grid of 9 photos with #2017bestnine. It's a generator that shows you a summary of the top 9 posts your followers liked the most this year.
3.1k likes in 95 posts
33 likes/post
These numbers are neither good nor bad to me but a way to compare with 2017. What this shows me is I was kind of all over the place in 2016 – from outfit posts, trying my hand at interiors and flat lay styling, a hint of hand lettering work, and bits of chatting about creativity. I experimented a lot and challenged myself to try new things. I was also getting married, working 50+ hrs./wk, and moving to a different city. Shit, I WAS all over the place!
9.2k likes in 113 posts
81 likes/post
I was more visually consistent in 2017 and think that has something to do with growing a bit but the point I really want to make is this: I didn't suddenly change what I believe in to increase my following. Only one thing changed: I started believing in myself and the message I have to share. Gaining confidence also allowed me to be honest with myself. I don't enjoy being a photographer but rather LOVE working with photographers (like Leigh Ann). This gave me more time to write, which I really love, as I'm sure you can tell by my super long posts.
Anyway, I guess I'm telling you this in case you're being hard on yourself about not being where you thought you'd be at this point in your life. Or if you're feeling pressure to grow in a direction that is cool but isn't speaking to you. You have to have years where you're all over the place, years where you're confident in who you are, and years when, who knows how you'll feel or who you'll be but it'll be beautiful for completely new and different reasons.
Let's celebrate how far we've come before we dig into the work ahead, shall we?! What accomplishment are you most proud of this year? Share it with me below.
Creative Business Chats: 3 Tips to Begin Freelance Design
is the full working title of this week's Creative Business Chat. I'm not shy to share that the road to being a freelance designer has been rocky for me at times (here). Freelance isn't easy but there are many benefits like the quote I shared in my first Creative Business Chat.
Work and life are so intertwined for me. This kind of lifestyle isn't for everybody. I know a lot of people who separate work and life beautifully and I really admire them for it. Turning work off and turning life on with a definitive boundary line is an art form in itself. I can't find the on and off buttons like that so more flexible boundaries that freelancing allows works best for me. :)
Learning who you are and how you work best is the most important way to know if having a freelance career is right for you.
3 Tips to begin freelance design
So I want to share 3 lessons I've learned the hard way:
1 | Save 6-12 months worth of earnings
I believe in taking calculated risks, not cross-your-fingers-and-hope-it-works type risks (usually). I had 12 months’ worth of savings before giving notice at my first studio job to make sure rent, student loans, and other bills could be paid in worst-case scenarios (ie: unexpected software expenses, killed projects, or sick days). Misconception: you'll start profiting the very day you start freelancing. This simply isn't true. This leads me to next my tip...
Money-saving resources: Freshbooks / EveryDollar / Mint
2 | Book 1-2 retainer clients before going full-time
Having a couple of retainer clients will keep you afloat when other projects fall through. I worked with a great web design company designing websites and an iPad grocery store app when I first started. If your full-time job didn't make you sign a non-compete, you'll be able to overlap gigs until going on your own. Make sure whatever projects you're doing on the side isn't something unethical during this transition time. It's bad practice and disrespectful to your full-time employees to be moonlighting within the same industry they are in. You don't have to take away business from others to find your own.
These large projects kept me booked 20 hours/week. It was the stability I needed to step out on my own and seek brand and handlettering clients for the other 20 hours/week. This stability kept me confident in myself when I had to kill a project for a new business in town due to scheduling and contract issues. A lesson in boundaries for sure but one that would've hurt me financially and creatively if I didn't have other work to get me through that hard lesson.
Client-related resources: Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines / My Networking Tips / How To Rock Your First Interview
3 | Part-time job for stability and creative breaks
Seems odd to suggest you work more to take breaks, doesn't it? I'm not saying this is the BEST WAY but it's the way that worked for me. I maintained financial stability while building my portfolio by having a retainer client and taking a part-time job.
Reduce the chances of burning out creatively by taking a part-time job unrelated to design.
I worked in a greenhouse because I've always loved plants, gardening, and nature. Tending to plants was therapeutic and made me focus on something other than design. You have to step away to refill your tanks. I did for 20 hours/week deadheading plants, watering trees, and hauling 50lb. bags of corn to customers’ vehicles. BONUS: My arms got really toned.
Resources for taking creative breaks: The Greenhouse / Meditation
This is a good time to debunk another freelance myth: you'll only work 40 hours/week.
WRONG, especially when getting started. From the 3 tips, you may have noticed:
+ 20 hrs./week after 5 pm with my own clients (and more when I went full-time freelance)
+ 20 hrs./week on brand and handlettering work for my portfolio
+ 20 hrs./week at a part-time job for financial stability and creative breaks
60 hrs. total/week
Chances are if you've read this far you're a motivated and disciplined self-starter so this probably isn't surprising to you. What you trade-in for the freedom you make up for in hours worked. It's why loving what you do is basically a freelance requirement. The hardest part for me was BELIEVING I could work this way as a freelance designer and knowing I DESERVE to work how I work best. Once you face your own demons of what's keeping you from starting, then you can truly begin.
I hope sharing more behind the scenes about my experience can help you delve into why and how you can begin a side gig or full-time freelancing as a designer. Comment below: What questions do you have? Or a reflection we can build upon? Let me know!
Creative Business Chats foster conversation and community amongst creatives seeking tips for getting started. Includes behind the scenes of freelance/business ownership. See all chats here.
Photos by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography
Design Quarterly: Fall 2017 New Design Work
Fall 2017 New Design Work
Gah! How is it already going to be December this week?! Thought I'd share some recent of my design work before the snow flies (again). It includes handlettering more 8x10 prints, dream clients, and my work popping up in unexpected places. Scroll through to see my Fall 2017 new design work:
Joon+Co Seasonal Prints
You've heard me talk about Joon+Co. quite a bit (here and here) if you've been reading BG for a while. Joon + Co is an online ethical fashion shop for the conscious fashionista and part of my Fall 2017 new design work. I created a few hand lettered prints for their Fall and Holiday collections. The cheeky and sweet quotes that owner Becky came up with were so fun to letter.
Extra sweet: Your print purchase will be donated to the Bay Area Women's Center in my hometown of Bay City, MI as part of the Artists Giving Back series!
Shop the prints: Joon+Co Prints / Joon+Co x West Elm Pop-up this Saturday, Dec. 2
The Lipstick Lens Brand Design
Can you really go wrong with gold foil and Millennial pink vibes?! Of course, the answer is NO. Especially when it's for The Lipstick Lens, a new girl boss photography brand in Grand Rapids. Colette, TLL founder, and photographer offers empowering photo sessions for fempreneurs and women needing a brand refresh (headshots for your website and profile photos, anyone?!) Her mom's life motto was definitely my inspiration while creating the logo and graphic elements. Keep an eye out for her website coming soon!
Brand Packages Available: Contact me for a custom brand package. The starter package includes a logo, moodboard, color palette, and graphic icons.
No Man Left Behind apparel at Seattle Starbucks Roastery
The No Man Left Behind illustration I created for Has Heart was part of the Starbucks x Has Heart pop-up shop in Seattle this September–November. I've been not-so-patiently waiting to tell you guys and shared more about it here. I couldn't have guessed how far this design would travel when I first illustrated John's Vietnam story 3 years ago. Seattle is probably the furthest my physical work has reached so far and it's all thanks to the Has Heart team who is spreading an even deeper message about our nation's veterans. Read their mission.
Shut Down Line 5 Print Donation
I donated a handlettered Lake print to my friend’s effort to raise money to Shut Down Line 5. Line 5 is an old pipeline spanning the bottom of Lake Michigan west of the Mackinac Bridge into Canada. It’s owned by a Canadian oil company that has a bad rap in oil spills and who delivers 23 million gallons of oil EVERY DAY through these old pipelines. There’s serious concern an oil spill can happen the issue isn’t acknowledged properly. As a Michigander who relies on & loves our Lakes, you can bet I’m doing what I can!
Brand refresh for the new year?
Contact me for a STARTER BRAND PACKAGE to give your side gig or passion project a visual facelift. See brand examples here.
Coming soon in Winter ‘18
I'm really excited for upcoming work in the new year; more handlettered prints for a Grand Rapids-based shop, event materials and brand theme for a national event, and a little sumthin' sumthin' for my very first freelance client who's been with me since 2014 (hint: it involves Artprize 2018!)
I'll also be continuing personal work for Full Moon Monthly and new Creative Business Chats for more behind the scenes. Be sure to join in if you're interested in freelancing!
Freelance Design Behind the Scenes
Freelance Design Behind the Scenes
Last week I did a poll on Instagram asking if you'd like to hear more behind the scenes of freelance design. It was a unanimous 100% response to share more about it out of 30 responses from a mix of graphic designers, photographers, and bloggers. Woah! I'm excited to share more behind the scenes in hopes it'll help you on your creative journey. At the very least I want you to know you're not alone in your pursuits and there definitely isn't a perfect route on the unpaved path. At least there hasn't been for me in the last 5 years!
Quick back story
I'm a freelance graphic designer (see my work here) and blogger. I kept these 2 sides of me separate for years – 2 different websites, not talking about my freelance work on Instagram, not talking about my blog with clients, etc. – until recently I became tired of being split in 2. Especially because my work drives my blog and my blog drives my work. They're so intertwined for me and I want to show up WHOLE in my life as best I can.
Ok, so! I'm excited about this conversation with you guys, are you with me?! We never do it alone, do we? Even in freelance isolation when we're asking our dog to GIVE ME ALL OF LIFE’S ANSWERS ALREADY.
Initial freelance/business topics planned are:
My biggest hurdles when starting freelancing (uncertainty, fear, stress, finances)
Why I started freelancing as an Introvert (+ a fun personality test I love!)
Business definitions and what they mean for you (DBA, LLC, & tax returns, to name a few!)
Freelancer vs. Business Owner, why and where do you want to start?
Please use these conversations as a forum, as guidance, or to prompt your own reflections on where you're at in your own journey. I don't have all the answers but I'm going to share my story in hopes it can help you on your own journey. I want this to be a platform where we can build each other up and ask questions together. As if we're meeting for coffee and chatting about our dreams, our learnings, and what to do next.
Ideally, I'd like us to continue the conversation in the comments below each post. What questions do you have? Or a reflection we can build upon? Let me know below!
Creative Business Chats foster conversation and community amongst creatives seeking tips for getting started. Includes behind the scenes of freelance/business ownership. See all chats here.
Photos by Leigh Ann Cobb Photography
Design Quarterly: Summer 2017 New Handlettered Artwork
Friends! I want to share with you what I've been making this summer. If you saw my hand lettering post a few months back, then you know my goal was to make more art prints and I'm happy to report I did. Thank you for sending your quotes and sharing what you look for in wall decor. I enjoy creating words that speak to your heart each day. Scroll down for my Summer 2017 new hand-lettered artwork.
Love Her Wild art print
This 8x10 art print is the catalyst to the rest of the work that follows. I wholeheartedly believe in this saying by Atticus for myself and all women. I've gifted it for bachelorette parties and bridal showers. One of my customers is putting it up in her newborn's nursery and another got it as a gift for his soon-to-be-wife.
PS: These words are written in my own hand lettering, not a computerized font.
Shop it: 6.25 Paper Studio in Grand Rapids / Harless + Hugh Flea in Bay City / Not in Michigan? Order from my shop
Summertime art print
I love this song by Ella Fitzgerald. Her vibe inspired me to style this print with lemon, greenery, and a little bit of blush and stripes for an old-time summer feel. I've gifted this to my sister-in-law for her new cottage and to friends for their housewarming party. It's also been featured in the Modern Farmhouse collection at Cloth + Cabin. This print will be a good reminder Summer does in fact exist in Michigan once the winter comes. Ha.
Shop it: End of summer sale at Cloth + Cabin
Marriage vision
A piece for my best friend's wedding. I hand-lettered their marriage vision on painted pine (thanks Joel!). More details on my inspiration for the piece here and behind the scenes of my process here.
Interested in having your love letters bigger and bolder for your home? Email me and let's make something pretty for your wall!
Full Moon Illustration calendar series
This is a personal project I'm building month by month. It started with my favorite, the August Sturgeon Moon. There will be 11 more of these bad chicas by August 2018. Keep an eye out for next month's full moon illustration on September 6th.
Read about why I started the Full Moon monthly series and see the first one, the August Sturgeon Moon.
Coming Fall 2017
The Harvest Moon post mentioned above, a print donation to a non-profit I really believe in (hint: it involves the Lake), an online store collaboration, and finishing up some commissions for a friend's kitchen and a mentor's gift. I'm also trying to get a few new prints to the Brave Girl shop. As always, send me your quotes and they might make it to the shop!
I just want to thank each and every one of you who have supported this journey of mine hand lettering quotes and creating wall decor for your homes. I love cheering you on as you create your own works of art. Whether that be designing pretty things, challenging others to see new perspectives, capturing these moments in life, making babes, and growing families, I see you and I'm so happy for you!
THANK YOU, friends, for letting me be part of your journey. xo, EM
Why I Love this Blogging Community
August has been a whirlwind of changes I've never known before. There was a lot of moon reading, astrology seeking, book discovering, and prayer making I've been doing as my life depended on it.
Because, well, my life depended on it.
They say your hormones change every 7 years from the year you get your period. I received my blessing in disguise when I was 13. I am now 27. So, based on this, I'm on evolution number 3, and chica, am I. The foods I eat are no longer sustaining. The nights I make are more sensitive to what the next morning brings. The career I inhabit is very much driven by the lifestyle I envision (not the other way around).
It's scary to recognize, yes? Scarier to honor it when the voices of the world tell you it's all ok just the way it is (PS: it isn't). I thought I was alone in this. This month I felt so alone in the changing, in the chaos, in the uncertainty of what's to come.
Then I read this from a woman I admire.
And this from another woman I admire.
And I felt less alone. This is why I love the blogging community. More often than not, there seems to be a theme among us. It isn't a reason to tense up and think the other woman is doing better than you. It isn't a reason for doubt or insecurity that they're somehow better than you. It isn't a reason not to join because you think you have nothing to add. PS: You do, please share it with all of us.
No, it's a reason to CELEBRATE that you're not alone. It's a reason to HONOR your stillness, your reflection state, or your sadness.
May you honor what you need at this moment, and know you're not alone in it.
What I learned at the Yellow Conference in Los Angeles
I learned so much about myself at The Yellow Conference. I'd been following the Yellow mission online for a couple of years and wrote a few articles for their blog (here and here) so it was very exciting when I had the opportunity to attend! It was my first solo business trip. After a full day of work, I flew into LAX at 11 pm then drove to my Airbnb in Echo Park.
I got so turned around at first but found my little bungalow for the week after a midnight call to my host. Her husband greeted me with a local beer and shared he grew up in Rochester Hills, Michigan. I go all the way to California and the first person I meet is from Michigan. It was comforting after a long travel day.
I woke up to this view and immediately started singing Hotel California. I've done that every time I've visited so far, haha.
Favorite designers: Elle Luna and Jessica Hische
I got to hear from Elle Luna and Jessica Hische, my 2 favorite artists/designers. Elle talked about her book The Crossroads of Should and Must and Jessica talked about juggling motherhood with a freelance career. Both of them cried saying there was something about the powerful feminine support in the room that felt like an ocean of understanding and comfort to them. I was honored to be part of it.
I actually saw Jessica Hische by a taco truck during lunch and completely fan-girled but didn't say a word to her. What would I have said? "I've followed your work since I was a sophomore in design school and have wished to be you ever since?" No, I let her eat her taco in peace.
In between sessions, I went to lunch with an amazing group of women. I was proud of myself for resisting the comfortable feeling to eat alone and write in my journal and instead connect with women who I'd met an hour before. I was in the midst of women doing amazing things for our world and enjoyed my seat at the table.
Brave Girls in L.A.
I even left a little Brave Girl note for women like me who showed up to this conference with their questions and interest in learning more about how they can make the world a better place.
Personal milestone and clarity before big change
As I mentioned I went on this trip solo. It felt like a personal milestone 2 weeks before Joel & I would be married. Up to this point, life was moving so fast. I needed time to myself to seek clarity on the big change ahead. I found it at an old firehouse-turned-restaurant a few blocks away from my bungalow on the last night. A beer, mac and cheese, and some journal writing as I overheard locals gossip and make weekend plans was just what I needed.
There is totally a different vibe in L.A. A lot of pomp and circumstance. I felt like a nice little Midwestern girl so I enjoyed being surrounded by women who didn't care about that shit and got on with sharing how they felt. I took some of that home with me. I took home some foliage installation inspiration with me, as well!
Overall, it was an enlightening trip and helped me understand myself as a creative and how I want to be of service with my skillset to my community and my career. L.A. may not be my favorite place but I do hope to visit California again soon. San Francisco is definitely on my list.
Where are your favorite Cali places?!
Reader Survey and a name change?
You guys, my head has been spinning this week. If you've been reading BG for a while, you know I can be a perfectionist to a fault. I can also be too hard on myself and let doubt get the best of me. I feel like I've gotten caught up in wanting to make an impact and have my own business. So much that I have gotten lost in the shuffle. I've kind of confused myself between who Emily Bode is and who Brave Girl is. I thought we were one and the same but then a few things happened:
I'm not always brave and it's not always my main focus.
I'm also other things like...playful, serious, assertive, focused, witty, thoughtful, a hot mess who doesn't shower every day.
It's gotten to the point where I go to start a post and I think, "how is this brave?", "Is this really a courageous topic?", "I don't feel brave today so I guess I shouldn't write anything". DOUBTS. PRESSURE to always show up the same way.
I'm also not a girl anymore (but not yet a woman...I know you know these lyrics.) But for real, I am a WOMAN. So girl feels a little...not where I'm at in my life anymore. Which is awesome! I don't know how long I've wondered and pined for feeling like a woman and here I am. There are days I still honor the little girl inside of me but I'm also growing into another phase of my life and I want to honor her too.
What does all this mean? I honestly don't know but I read the quote above from Eileen Fisher in this book the other day and I can't stop thinking about it now. Another thing Eileen said is that she wished she would've put herself at the center of her world earlier on in life instead of making everything solely about the business. Hollah Eileen, for real.
Reader survey: Brave Girl or Emily Bode?
Brave Girl Survey Because of this and a lot of other reflections I've been doing about my life, my relationships, my career – what do you guys think, should I change my blog from Brave Girl to simply my name, Emily Bode? I have a few other questions in this survey I'd love your input on because I want to talk about the things we have in common. I'm not the only woman more lost now than I was at the beginning of my 20's. Or am I?! Shit. haha.
If you're in a similar season, please fill out this survey and let's tackle it together. I'm so grateful to each and every one of you for joining me on this journey. I hope to connect with you and provide insight on what's happening in my life RIGHT NOW. With my career, marriage, creativity and our shared obsession for all things Target.
I truly believe supporting each other and being open about our struggles is what helps us get through them, or at least feel less alone in them. We're all in this together and I love so much that this space has brought me to each of you. Here's to not knowing what's next but walking it together. xx, EM
Design Career Advice for Young Designers to Rock The First Interview
I'm sharing a few pieces of design career advice for young designers to feel confident walking into their first few interviews out of school with a strong portfolio and a passion to begin their design careers. These are based on common themes inspired by the portfolios I reviewed at this year's AIGA Student Portfolio Review at Atomic Object. The tips focus on soft skills to effectively communicate your projects to a potential employer.
1 | Tell the story behind your project
The story behind your work is as important as the work itself. The talent coming into the industry is top-notch. You're in good company but how do you stand out for your uniqueness? Tell your story.
Good starter questions to ask when developing your project's story:
What is the problem your project solved?
What inspired you to take it in that direction?
Why that typography decision? Or that color palette?
An interesting or well put together story will make a good project even more memorable.
2 | Remove filler words from your vocabulary
Remove filler words when discussing projects in your portfolio. Describe it without using words "just", "like, or "but", to name a few as these are passive words that won't give credibility to the awesome work you've spent so much time creating. I'm learning this myself after reading words to ban on Wit & Delight, a blog by Kate Arends. Let's kick this bad habit together!
3 | Share Your Work
Lastly, anyone who has posted something they made to Instagram or shown their work in front of people knows how scary it can be on display for others to comment (i.e. this blog post!).
Mad kudos to the students who attended the review last weekend despite their fear to share unfinished work. It's the kind of courage you will need over and over again. The best way to get comfortable with sharing your work is to practice. Keep showing up and your experiences will develop confidence in your voice, style, and projects.
Check out this quick read, Show Your Work, by Austin Kleon
Design Career Advice For Confidence at Your First Interview
To summarize, tell an intriguing story that relates to your projects, remove filler words to tell it confidently, and share it over and over again boldly. Start to answer your own questions about how and why you're approaching the work the way you are. When you answer that you can begin to share your perspectives confidently with others.
Here are some additional tips on how to get the most out of networking events. What are some other soft skills you've learned? What are some you'd like to know more about?
All photos c/o Studio Us, a new graphic design studio coming soon to Grand Rapids!
My Thoughts on the Women's March on Washington
My thoughts on the Women's March: An essay on what inspired me and what we can do to support each other peacefully.
There are moments in life we need to respond to immediately and there are moments that are best to let simmer. The Women's March on Washington needed to simmer for me. I needed to know what my own beliefs were before I hopped on to someone else's. I needed to know the foundation I was standing on, the one that will keep me standing tall when weaker foundations crumble.
I needed to reflect on why I'm so angry and where that anger is coming from. I had to dig back in my archives and recall the experiences that have made me feel belittled, confused, and mocked because of someone else's insecurities they thought was ok to hand off to me.
These experiences are on my skin and in my bones and digging them up was a process that called for solitude and personal acceptance. Humans are so very good at avoidance. I'm not saying I'm healed or have a grand plan but I'm ready to share how the Women's March made me feel and the highlights inspiring me to stand up for myself every day:
Senator Kamala Harris at the Women's March on Washington
“We the people have the power. There is nothing more powerful than a group of determined sisters marching alongside with their partners and their determined sons and brothers and fathers, standing up for what we know is right. And here’s the thing, we know that it is right for this nation to prioritize women’s issues…
’Kamala, talk to us about women’s issues.’
And I’d say, ‘I’m so glad you want to talk about the economy.’
I’d say, ‘Great, let’s talk about the economy because that’s a women’s issue.’
I’d say, ‘You want to talk about women’s issues? Let’s talk about national security.
You want to talk about women’s issues? Let’s talk about healthcare. Let’s talk about education. Let’s talk about criminal justice reform. Let’s talk about climate change.
Because we all know the truth. If you’re a woman trying to raise a family, you know that a good paying job is a woman’s issue. If you’re a woman who’s an immigrant who does not want your family torn apart you know immigration reform is a woman’s issue. If you’re a woman working off student loans, you know the crushing burden of student debt is a woman’s issue. If you are a black mother, trying to raise a son, you know black lives is a woman’s issue. And if you’re a woman period, you know we deserve a country with equal pay and access to healthcare including a safe and legal abortion protected as a fundamental and constitutional right.
So all of this is to say my sisters and brothers that we are tired as women of being relegated to simply being thought of as a particular constituency or demographic…
We are a force that cannot be dismissed or written off on the sidelines…”
Alicia Keys "Girl on Fire" at the Women's March on Washington
When Alicia Keys starts with Maya Angelou's poem "Still I Rise", you know you're going to get chills from the power of prose.
"...Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your womanliness. Thank you for your strength. Let us continue to honor all that is beautiful about being feminine.
We are mothers, we are caregivers, we are artists, we are activists, we are entrepreneurs, doctors, leaders of industry, and technology. Our potential is unlimited, we rise...
Until everyone respects Mother Energy and everyone with a belly button must agree...We. Are. Here."
Of course, it's not the same as watching the entirety of her piece. See it here.
Warrior Prayer by Lakota Women at Women's March on Washington
A few women from the Lakota tribe started everyone marching with a Woman's Warrior Prayer. With the drums and the eagle feather and the voices of a battle cry booming over the speakers as women marched, I had chills from the energy and something rose in me that felt so powerful. I was honored to be able to witness this prayer.
If you watched the Women's March on Washington or participated in one of the marches around the world that day, you know there are a lot of topics being addressed. I have come to terms I can't wholesomely support each one because I'm not directly affected or may not feel it as deeply as others yet I do wholesomely support everyone's right to have a voice for the fights and freedoms that feel closest to them.
The fights and freedoms I'm closest to right now are equality in the workplace, bodily integrity, and inclusiveness for all. I understand as a white middle-class woman it may seem I'm too far away from cultural and diversity issues to understand this fight but I'm here to learn. I've acknowledged my bubble and I'm trying to pop it (we all have bubbles to challenge). I hope I'm met with as much peace as I'm trying to exude.
These few and multiple others are a tall order and I'm confident we'll rise to the occasion to acknowledge there are key human issues imbalanced currently. We're trying to course-correct and we can do it together. I think a good way to support the positive change the Women's March lit a fire to is taking digestible bite sizes. One day at a time. If you want to be a catalyst for change, you must start on a small scale and watch the ripple effect take place.
Be a revolutionary in your circle first and watch that circle expand.
When you're at a group dinner and a friend makes a statement that feels belittling or oppressive, don't laugh along with everyone else. Ask them why they feel that way.
When your doctor prescribes pills for something you know is a deeper feminine cycle issue, say no. Go to a different doctor and tell the doctor you walked away from that the solution given wasn't a solution and you won't support it.
When you're uncomfortable in a situation because you recognize you have biases you never realized were biases, face them so you can change them. Don't hide. Don't shut down. Don't say what you feel on Facebook if you can't say what you feel to the Face right next to you. To the Face sitting across the table from you. To the Face in the mirror.
I can't say I've signed up for a group or a protest or been a voice like so many women I know and admire who courageously have been but I am doing my part in my own way. In digestible bite sizes I can handle.
And you know what, I've got to get a little tough love with women specifically. I've had many experiences where I don't feel a woman has treated me the way she's looking to be treated. In my personal experience, there are some women saying they support me as a woman in business or as a friend but they're the same person cutting me down as soon as I start to have success with my goals or want to celebrate an accomplishment.
We need to stop doing this to each other, myself included.
If we are to stand rooted together there needs to be less shallowness among us (seriously, you're pissed she has the same purse as you?). There needs to be less gossip behind the scenes when it appears support is being shown to another woman in her venture. What's that saying about a wolf wearing sheep's skin?
If you're a woman supporting women in any way, you need to be more thoughtful in your relationships with women. Start on a small scale and watch the ripple effect take place. One-on-one relationships have been my main focus lately because they're intimate, real, and small daily actions that make up your whole life.
If you're interested in joining me on the journey of personal awareness and community consciousness, please do. Let's meet each other where we're at.
Here are a few resources I've been supporting or am planning on attending some upcoming events:
Let's do this together. Email me at
I'm Late, Keep Going
Do you ever feel like you just can't catch up? Let's use today as an example. It's 7:30 am, I need to leave for work in 10 minutes. I try to dedicate 30min-hour to writing each morning so I get all off-kilter when I can't.
So far my dress is too short to be acceptable in an office environment – or even a nightclub, really – so I added tights that are a far cry from matching. I'm wearing an old plaid shirt underneath the hooker dress because the buffalo plaid shirt I would've had is now out of my size. Whoever said the early bird gets the worm was definitely talking about shopping at Madewell online.
I go to put creamer in my coffee and it comes out like cottage cheese. Apparently leaving it on the counter last weekend did have an effect on its consistency. It was the good almond-based creamer too. Damn. The entire time I've been getting ready there's been a nice soothing background sound of my aging kitty, Belle, as she cries out for attention and my adorable german shepherd, Tiger, whining for cuddles. I step over them, a quick pat on the head because I'M RUNNING LATE guys.
These mornings remind me of when I was little watching my mom get ready for work. There was a lot more juggling and a lot less whining about clothes she didn't have the way I remember it but that feeling of not being able to catch up looks similar. I wish I could be so go with the flow these little things didn't bug me and I'm sure it's from some deeper reason that I'm rushing around too fast to hear what that is.
I like to think there's plenty of women rushing to work today, mismatched with her black coffee and trying to do the best she can for her family, education, independence, whatever it is she's hustling towards because I know damn well she's hustling. If that's you, keep goin' girl. And don't forget to enjoy the sunrise on your way to work.
xo, Em
Brave Girl 2017
I've been thinking a lot about this little space of mine lately. What it started out as, what I want it to become, how it's being perceived in balance with how I think it's being perceived.It drives me nuts some days because I don't always know the direction for Brave Girl. She's had about 3 evolutions in 3 years.
First, it was a place for experimenting with my creativity as an outlet to my 9–5 job out of college. It was a lot of natural-ingredient recipes and chakra-healing.
Then it became my main outlet to share my brand design projects and guest blog. I designed the site and worked with my good friend and developer, Justin, to make it entirely customized. The About page is still my favorite.
Now, Brave Girl feels like a mix of all 3. Some of these categories either aren't my love language at this time or can be refreshed so they're more aligned with categories I love talking about more. BG is in a transition (aren't we all?). After a lot of reflection, I want this space to maintain the essence of why it started while making space for the room she needs to grow. I want to show more of my graphic design work, more of my inspirations, and more of my life.
Life. Style. Design.
I also want it to be a space that fosters more connection. So one of the biggest things I'm looking to update is the comments section! I know I haven't made it easy for you to share your thoughts with me here. It definitely wasn't intentional and is a buggy part of BG that I want and need to improve for you. Do you agree?
2017 – Coming Soon
Starting 2017, Brave Girl will have a little refresh to clean up the categories, post more consistently, and be more of a community that fosters creativity and human connection.
Thank you for all of your support over the years with Brave Girl! It truly lights me up to see every comment and connect with you on our desires, our inspirations, and our humanness. It keeps me going when I'm not always sure where BG is headed next. We're all human and don't know what's next, no matter how carefully laid out our plans are. At the end of the day, Brave Girl is a visual representation of this. Of our messiness. Our wildness. The pull of our creativity in all its forms. Most of all, Brave Girl is a pillar for all of us brave women and men who KEEP. SHOWING. UP.
Thank you for being here with me, thank you for showing up. All the love, Em
It's my 100th post! It's Veteran's Day! There is no better day than today to celebrate courage, service, and gratitude for you (self-love y’all) and for all the men and women who've served our country. Because my comments section isn't updated yet, post an example of courage that inspires you on Instagram with #thanksfromabravegirl
How To Build A Following Organically*
Be kind.
Be of service with your skill sets.
Be grateful exactly where you are.
*Not limited to screen-time.
Real-time is highly recommended and very preferred.
Now go kick Monday's ass.
Love, Em
A note on authenticity in your creative business
Happy Friday! What did you think of yesterday's post? I was so excited Joel came to the forefront to share his expertise on the power of influence in professional relationships. It was more business-oriented than maybe you're used to for Brave Girl but we felt it's an important topic for my reader base.
As I mentioned yesterday, when it comes to technical and business jargon, I zone out a bit. It isn't because I'm not smart or serious enough to understand the terms and concepts, it just isn't my love language. It made me wonder if other creatives feel that too? I know a lot of solopreneurs, bloggers, and small business owners who are geniuses at expressing themselves and relating to their tribe but hate talking finances, SEO analytics, or quarterly goals, myself included.
These deeper dive topics are what keeps your ship afloat and running smoothly when you can't be in front of the screen or when you need to do the work, as well as reach more people.
Joel & I were talking more about this last night as we were celebrating his first blog post (he's so popular, god) and the phrase, "Remember why you started". I don't want to lose sight of what Brave Girl is for me and what I want it to be for you. But I'm ready to keep growing and trying out new things that I feel are a closer representation to what Brave Girl is and who I am as a writer and designer.
Remembering why you started is always a good memory to look back on but it isn't a check post for authenticity. Why you started isn't always why you're still here.
Tag your daily biz vignettes and fresh office style with #bravegirlofficestyle