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What is art?

Some will look at this painting & think, "This is art?", "I could've done that", or "I guess scribbles are an art form now".

I used to discredit abstract artwork, as well, based on my expectation of what art should be. The word art is a broad & undefinable concept by nature. I can only share my experience. When I started going to gallery exhibits & art museums, I liked the realistic pieces. The one's where you could make out faces & see ancient stories in action before your eyes. The sky was always blue. The grass was always green.

The formless shapes & eclectic hues of abstract pieces frustrated me because there wasn't a logical sequence. No gods & goddesses, no historical tale, confusing titles, or no titles at all. I was so focused on seeing the literal that I couldn't feel the metaphysical.

Recently, logic in my life has made no sense at all (green sky, blue grass kind of stuff). I'm overwhelmed most of the time & uncertain for the rest of it. So a few nights ago, I turned this book on & turned my thoughts off. I was exhausted from my incessant mind chatter. I began to paint.

 When I look at it, I don't see scribbles. I see intention. I don't hear a story. I listen to the present moment. I don't wonder "why?". I feel the brush in my hand, my eyes closed, relinquishing control like a current of electricity running through me. What is art? I do not know. But I know how good creating makes me feel.

Go with the good. xo, Emily

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Fall Raw

I struggle with commitment. There's not a logical reason for it, it's really just letting fear of the unknown take up more space in me than living in the moment does. It's one of the reasons I'm so blessed to have Joel in my life, why I stop myself when I start bitching about student loans & now, why I can say I didn't give up on my year-long personal project, Feelings of 2014.

It's a commitment I made to myself & I think that's why it feels so monumental. As a girlfriend, I make the commitment to be the best partner I can be to Joel every day. As a daughter, sister & friend, I make commitments to show up more often (physically & emotionally). As a designer, I make commitments to deliver beauty & results to my clients weekly.

But this one, this one was for me.

The experiment involved internalizing a chosen feeling for 3 months to represent each season this year. I let the word consume me & show me new perspectives. I made discoveries, decisions & theories because of them but mostly I dug up lots of questions & curiosities.

Winter: Replenish

Looking back, I see replenish introduced me to questioning what's in the food I eat & the products I put on my skin. It challenged me to make my own face wash & spend my lunch hour meditating on chakras.

Spring: Faith

Faith brought me to the revelation that I wasn't meant to spend only a lunch hour's worth of time taking care of my psyche. The whisper inside me, "What is my purpose here?", started to roar. Faith answered softly, "Honey, you gotta go find out." It coddled my battered ego in the greenhouse & showed up when I begged for a seat at the Bloom Workshop after it had already sold out (I got in by some form of a miracle).

Summer: Warrior

I was guided to exude my inner warrior & felt like a goddess all summer collaborating with the sweetest creator & sticking to my stillness ritual every morning. I started saying how I felt instead of what I thought people would approve of. Then, I felt shame. Not worthy of this warrioress inside me. Who was I to feel so good? I kept discovering more & more of the unexpected in me with each season & while it guided me to new internal heights, it also scared the shit out of me. Doubt consumes if you let it...& I let it. But I'm kind of liking this whole committing to the present thing so my final feeling is less about aspirations & more about right now, this moment.

Fall: Raw

Uninhibited mixed with clarity of self. Sweet honey & sour milk. Being splashed with a mud puddle while you're wearing a white dress. Hollowness in anticipation of being refilled. The rugged terrain of making love stay. My final feeling of 2014 is begging me to let down my guard, daring me to relinquish control & making me realize daily that the unknown is all I've ever known.

How do you feel? Love, E.

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A Chat with Nature

Water, what should I do?– Go with the flow.

Clouds, what should I do?– Listen to the wind.

Trees, what should I do?– Stand firm.

Star thistle, what should I do?– Bloom & share your nectar.

Crickets, what should I do?– Keep singing.

Happy Friday, brave ones. xx, Em

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Gardening, Feathers & Money Love

No, I haven't read this entire stack through. My reading list is forever long so I've given up on it & go with books at the moment. For instance, I've had The Loon Feather by Iola Fuller for a couple of years because it has wonderful illustrations of Mackinac Island on the front & back inside covers. It was an act of desperation to begin the first pages with my glass of wine each night. Like most things you look past, there was a hidden beauty in it. Much like the rest of the books in my current stash. I unwind with them slowly as these summer days turn into crisp autumn nights:

1 | The Truth About Organic Gardening by Jeff Gillman

I'm about 10 pages in & already know I'll learn more than ever predicted about the negative & positive impact of pesticides on my garden. So far, Jeff has touched on the history of the term "organic" & it's nothing like the product marketing in large grocery stores wants us to believe. Hallelujah. I read this on days the greenhouse is slow.

2 | Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Brené's words are a large reason I left my last job to pursue what kept bubbling up in my heart. She's taught me about inner gremlins & how acknowledging them gently quiets mental chatter. Her perspective on vulnerability is backed by tons of research & her life has changed because of it. A true artist by my definition.

3 | Treasures of the Creative Spirit by Robert Piepenburg

A gift from Mom, I keep this on my nightstand & randomly flip to a page when I'm feeling spent. Robert speaks deeply on treasures like truthfulness, courage & faith. A thread through the entire book is that creativity is sacred to each individual, each community & the entire world. Agreed!

4 | Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup

Joel & I are reading this together because we've found our views on money vary. It feels cleansing to communicate openly about our money differences, especially when I'm inclined to avoid the subject. Kate shares how her hate relationship with money turned into a love story.

5 | Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

I adore this book. I couldn't put it down yet I was trying to hold off so it wouldn't end. Once I read the opening dedication, "For the girls with messy hair and thirsty hearts", I knew I was entering a world I already felt a part of. The untold story of "Peter Pan" as we know him & dare I say, it's better!

6 | The Loon Feather by Iola Fuller

A story of Oneta, the daughter of Shawnee Native American Chief Tecumseh, & her life as an Indian on Mackinac Island in the late 1800s. Iola's writing is simple & raw. I loved reading about the places I travel to in Michigan today. I'm a sucker for history & the Native American's way of life.

We have a long trip out of state this weekend—Joel's running his first-ever Tough Mudder!—so I can't wait to begin Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins in the backseat while the boys determine a plan of action for enduring the crazy challenges they'll be faced with. One of the obstacles is running through electrical wires. Yeah, I'm going to stick with books.

Happy weekend, friends! May we all have a moment to feel as brave as Joel. xo, Em

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The Solar Plexus Chakra

It's been a while since I've shared the Chakra Meditation Series I was a part of last winter. I mentioned in my reflection back in March that this light energy inside you doesn't work on a deadline & my solar plexus chakra was no exception. I had to wait for this Manipura (Sanskrit for "lustrous gem") to show itself to me in a positive light but my lack of patience made it difficult. Until now. Now I'm sitting on my back deck looking up at the trees bathed in golden hour sunlight. Now it feels most pure. Chakras are an energetic light within us. They affect us physically, mentally & emotionally.

As a beginner of the chakras, I currently pay attention to their individual attributes but they all play off one another throughout the body. I was antsy to learn more about the Solar Plexus Chakra because my personal brand ( is shaped around what this chakra symbolizes; empowerment, creativity & optimism.

Unfortunately, I felt my inner fire dim creatively. I couldn't feel its presence after a summer full of deadlines & breakdowns. Burnout urged me to take a break. Only when I stopped moving did I discover my Solar Plexus again. In a world where busy is celebrated, the solar plexus loses her glow.

The solar plexus chakra is represented by the color yellow.

  • Located 2 inches above your belly button.

  • Governs our self-worth, willpower, ego & passion.

  • Element is fire.

  • This energy center is dynamic due to the fire it exudes. It brings your will into action & creates new behaviors, burning off old habits & unhealthy patterns (can mean facing childhood issues & laying them to rest, forgiving certain people or situations in your past, etc). Fire has both the power to create & destroy so it's up to us to listen to its presence & harness the energy to our advantage.

  • The symbol is a 10-petaled flower that unfolds to reveal a downward triangle, the symbol for Shakti, "sacred divine feminism" in Hinduism. Each petal represents a syllable of Sanskrit, a primal sound uttered in meditation chants to release emotion & get closer to your center.

  • Ailments include depression, low self-esteem, temper, & digestion issues.

  • Yoga poses like the Warrior sequence & Downward Dog, practicing self-love & saying silent prayers of gratitude keep this chakra in balance.

This meditation was empowering & uplifting for me. I cried for the first time in a while & realized how long it'd been since I said, "I love you" to myself. It seems silly to tell yourself you love yourself but saying it frees up gremlin-space & leaves more room to accept others as they are. Ahh, vulnerability at its most beautiful. We were guided to meditate on fire & at the end opened our eyes to smoke billowing out of the candle jar in the center of the meditation circle! The candle caught its own container on fire. It was then I knew how powerful this chakra can be.

You can use these essential oils if you feel depressed, egotistical, are lacking self-esteem, or need to exude your inner warrior.

  • Place a few dabs just above your navel or on soles of feet (mix with a carrier oil to prevent burning or irritation on the skin).

  • Empower + Balance: geranium is a great oil for women looking to channel their divine femininity & balance insecurities men in their life are feeling.

  • Protection + Worthiness: Valor + Cypress essential oils help men bring out their inner warrior + self-worth. Men need guidance balancing their chakras too even if they don't admit it or realize it in themselves.

  • Lemon + orange oil are everyday basics for combating super-ego or super low self-esteem.

Another great way to surround yourself with these powerful oils is to use them in nontoxic household cleaners (there's a great how-to zine from Raleigh Briggs at Have Company if you're local) or use earth-friendly household cleaners.

While the solar plexus has much to do with your internal fire, it's difficult to fan the flame when I'm not surrounding myself with fresh scents, good vibes, & passionate people. To have these 3 essentials around a bonfire on a cool Autumn night, well, that's what my dreams are made of! Hoping to make that a reality over the next few weeks. I hope you feed your fire this week, Em.

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My birthday this year did something to me. I can't quite put my finger on it but it feels big in a slow, rumbling sort of way. Kind of like sunflowers do. They hang their heads in darkness but stand firm in the faith they'll see the sun soon. And once they've seen the light, there's no stopping their glow. My favorite flower. My favorite time of the season. My year always starts in August.

A note to me, at 24!:

  1. Sometimes when you think you need change, you really need rest.

  2. You found a man who brings a kiss to your neck with every handful of sunflowers. Well, my love, you have bumped into your moon soul.

  3. That dark, deep place inside you? It's there to remind you of the importance of light.

  4. That quote you saw in high school, the one about "if you want to fly, don't hang around with chickens"? It's TRUE.

  5. That lump in your throat, it's your voice trying to tell you, "let's stop trying to be perfect". Listen to her.

  6. You are brave. For sticking with it, giving it a chance & letting it go.

  7. The container garden in your backyard is bringing you closer.

  8. You will never enjoy running. It's ok.

  9. When you say never, life usually brings you something to challenge the statement.

  10. It's not for them.

  11. And when it is, let it be your gift to them. Don't try to change them. Respect everyone's right to their own opinion.

  12. Giggles cure gremlins.

  13. You can buy all the self-help books in the world, girl, but experience will show you full force every. damn. time.

  14. Your parents are humans too. They'll make mistakes. You'll still love them—as they do you—unconditionally.

  15. The Sun. The Moon. The Earth. Remember this on days you let email get the best of you.

  16. Treat men with empathy too. We all show shame & vulnerability differently.

  17. You're going to hurt someone's feelings. Forgive yourself by bedtime.

  18. The weight of the world is not for your shoulders. Enjoy your coffee.

  19. When me flips to we, your journey has expanded. It's earth-shaking. Feel the beautiful rumble.

  20. Coffee. Beer. Wine. Kombucha. Don't forget the water.

  21. Sometimes they're saying things about you because of themselves. Taking it personally gives you gut rock. Release, baby.


  23. Life isn't about trying to be everything. You'll find your sweet spot. Take breaks, give it a chance to find you.

  24. Begin. Always...just...begin.

I love you, brave girl. –Em

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Be Still Meditation

"Girl, you need a ritual. You need something to believe in."

It's what my massage therapist told me a few weeks ago after my body was aching from head to toe. She balanced my chakras & told me people-pleasing is bad for my health.


I took to the beach immediately & began a daily ritual to center myself. It mixes a little of what I learned from a meditation workshop & a lot of what my body told me works best for me. I want to share it with you because I have an inkling you're overworked, worn out & definitely not gifting yourself with still moments that should be ALL ABOUT YOU. Guilt-free, I might add.

Is it just me or does the world as a whole seem a bit fidgety?

There's always a deadline to meet, an email to reply back to, errands to run. Lately, I've become a victim of my to-do list. Being a victim of any kind is energy-sucking & soul-draining. I struggle being still with my thoughts, to let them trickle through me like freshwater instead of letting them build up in my gut like cement.

My body was screaming for daily meditation to reenergize my mind, body & soul. I answered her call & found sitting still makes me feel more present, more alive. What's great about creating a daily ritual is it's as individual as the person doing it. Deep down you know what you need to realign yourself & sitting still opens you up to that call within.

Riding my bike to the beach in the morning to face the sun sets the tone for my day. I breathe in positivity, breathe out negativity, & set an intention for my mind, voice & heart. When I can't make it to the beach I set up a sacred space wherever I am because it's really about having a space of your own. I naturally refer back to these feelings when the day gets crazy & stand more firm on my decisions because of them.

If you're being pulled in a million directions all day it's easy to get sidetracked so centering myself is a priority right when I wake up. It turns that reaction mode madness into making the best choices for you & listening to what you need for the day.

Everyone's ritual is personal & sacred. What's most important is creating time just for you. A lot of women, myself included, thrive off of filling other people up (boyfriends, friends, family, husbands, children, coworkers, clients, strangers, etc.) so much we often forget to treat ourselves first with love, respect & understanding.

It's why I believe in the sisterhood of the Skinny Dip Society because it supports women taking the leap to embrace who they are unapologetically, which can be a long journey of personal discovery & tough habits to break. Katie, the society creator, guides you every step of the way. She's a holistic health coach & a woman I happen to know works her ass off guiding people to unearth their purpose & true desires. She embodies the need to center yourself on a daily basis.

I'm honored to be a pit stop on the Skinny Dip Society's Blog Tour, nestled between a story of life changes that made Ashley of The Shine Project come alive and in anticipation of learning more about Conni's journey as a personal stylist on Art in the Find tomorrow. I'm excited to follow along.

I hope sharing one of my rituals will inspire you to begin one of your own when & where you need it most. The tour is really to show you, the woman yearning to let her soul shine, that it's time to embrace your light. Sitting still will remind you who you are, what you crave & how you really feel.

xo, you brave (& now totally chilled out) ones! Em

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Color Theory: Coral + Frost

The heat of coral sedum blossoms & the cool of round sedum leaves inspired my recent color crush: Coral + Frost. I walk by them every day at the greenhouse in awe of their color play. It's a classic game of fire and ice. These two hues aren't something I'd usually expect would play nice with each other but I've been proven wrong by nature—again, and always again—with this dynamic duo. I've been daydreaming of landscapes, outfits & classic accessories with this color palette ever since.

But there's something else I have to share because it came to me as unexpectedly as these brilliant & commanding hues. I was walking with Tiger the other night in the middle of full design mode (closely related to zombie mode once the sun sets) when I looked at the willow trees standing tall across the lake. I let my mind go & words began to trickle in that hadn't been there in a while. One's I had to dust off in order to make sense of them.

Still I rise.

They came slow, unassuming. The lake breeze urged them along until I began to catch on. These were the words from a poem that has moved me, truly unearthed me, since I first discovered the wise & beautiful spirit, Maya Angelou.

In that moment of clarity on the shore, I breathed in these soothing words. Over & over & over again. They've continued to bring comfort to me this week as my days fill up with hustle & grind. I've made a few varieties for your desktop, tablet, or phone screens if you need an extra boost as I did.

You will rise, you will rise, you will rise. If there's a size you'd like but don't see here, email me. I'd be happy to make one just for you!

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Summer Warrior

The Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee Chief told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee Chief simply replied, "The one you feed."

It's a story my dad sent to me years ago. I've always loved it for its simplicity. For its truth. Because for me, it's never other people I go to battle with as much as it is with those ferocious gremlins inside my head. You know the ones. They tell you you're not worthy of wanting what you want or of having what you have. They get a thrill from telling you you're not good enough. They like to make you feel small with their "but what will they think?" kind of comments. My inner gremlins led me to my Summer feeling:

Warrior: I want to feel strong in my decisions & actions. A lot of growing up happens when you realize it is up to you to lead your journey. No one is going to do it for you & you should not expect them to. This realization is difficult for me to swallow sometimes but I'm getting used to the taste. The last few months have been a challenge for me to dig deep for compassion & kindness; to myself & to others. I used to think positivity was so ingrained in my nature I would never have to work at it. Crazy, right?! It is a gift, like everything else. I hope my summer feeling brings me to being firm in what I know is best for me with grace for others who I cannot expect to read my mind. Which wolf will you feed?

Current things making me feel strong:

 Here's to lazy days & bonfire nights. I hope you have a weekend filled with both, E.

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Brother's Picker

When a folksy band from Grand Rapids came to town with a dog named Leonard, looking for a place to stay we immediately said, "Come on over."

We met Brother's Picker after dinner last weekend when they were playing a gig at Vandermill, a local cider mill & eatery known for their rich spirits, food & atmosphere. After a week full of coffee chats & deadlines, a relaxing dinner with tunes like this was just what I needed. They stopped by while my closest friends from home were sitting with Joel & me around the fire, catching up on each other's lives & planning more summer visits. The guys brought their music, new perspectives & a jug of Nunica Pine hard cider (soo good!) to our little nook in the woods. The night was full of good conversation as we huddled together on a Michigan summer night.

In the midst of it all, I had a moment. I saw my timeless friends—the ones I've been with through all the awkward & silly seasons as a teenager—& my fresh friends, the ones I met a few hours before & instantly connected with over blues riffs, best gardening practices & a solid Nunica Pine.

Then, I smiled with twinkling tears because moments like this don't happen every day but on this particular night, they did. It reminded me what all this hustle is for. I caught it in a glimpse of light from the flames. It was like a laugh from the deepest part of your belly, the one you haven't felt in a while because you forgot life has a sense of humor with all its shortcomings & shine.

You take a deep breath after that rejuvenating giggle, the one that soothed a part of your soul you didn't know was lacking & you realize what life is all about; to be with company that frees you as you fall asleep to twinkling lights & soft voices singing folksy tunes.

xo, Em.

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Color Theory: Flora + Fauna

I have fallen in love with this luscious color palette! Seeing rich green hues of ivy & budding trees on the trail while reminiscing on this King Salmon catch exudes ultimate freshness & flavor to me.

I found this wonderful image of ivy on a wall while moodboarding for a client last week. We've narrowed down a more clear direction for his brand spirit but this particular color combo has stuck with me.

I've been imagining a mini garden party surrounded by lively flora ever since. Bees buzzing, sharing their hard-earned honey for our iced tea, extravagant hats & laughing like old English women at things that aren't really funny. Because sometimes I think a fake accent & laughing just to laugh is the best.

Ahh, dahhling, I think I'll have a spring party for this very reason. Ta-ta for now, E.

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Spring Faith

There is a phrase the yoga instructor says when you're in a particularly difficult bind or twist.

"Breathe into the space that's feeling the most heat."

This heat is where the stretch hurts most. The place you're most likely not flexible in yet. My reaction was to stop breathing when the discomfort came. To act like it didn't exist. I was making it harder on myself & wasn't feeling better in the moves. I began to trust "breathing into the heat" this week out of desperation because what I thought was best for me wasn't getting me anywhere. I was in a twist that made me feel muscles I didn't know existed. I would have fallen over or torn something if I didn't breathe into the muscle so I imagined my air flowing to the space that needed it most.

Then, something miraculous happened. I opened up space in me I didn't know was closed. I no longer felt pain in the mystery muscle & was surprisingly able to take the stretch further. Then, I started to see faith differently. What I thought faith was as a kid is very different from how I see it now. Faith is a big word with lots of meanings & opinions attached which is why it's my Spring feeling based on the resolution I made earlier this year.

Faith: I want to feel more in the moment & less fearful of what I inevitably cannot control. Like the snake shedding his skin so he can be refreshed & the butterfly who transforms so she gains new perspectives. I am feeling a rebirth coming on with the change of the season. A renewed faith in my actions, my relationships, & my beliefs will be lovely to explore. Kind of like a spring cleaning for the soul.

I'm going to continue with my replenish discoveries as well because I'm hooked on learning new ways to live more naturally but will focus on my new word from day-to-day. I'm not sure what this change means yet but felt compelled to say it aloud & begin despite not having a plan.

Here's where my head's at this week:

 Happy Saturday, brave ones. I'm off to hang with Joel in the garage as he brews another batch of his delicious beer!

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A Shower Story

I have a confession. I'm a little...particular. Once I discovered an alternative to my face wash, I started looking around the bathroom for other skincare products I used with unpronounceable ingredients. It turned into a mission, really. Were there alternatives? Yes, there were! I found 5 more natural products I feel really good about putting on my skin during my daily routine. Surprisingly, choosing more natural products wasn't as expensive as I expected. From left to right:

  • Conditioner — Gifted from MeMe

  • Luminous Body Oil by Herbivore Botanicals — $32
    My skin has thanked me for this plant-based body oil! The harsh winter left me feeling more than ready to feel nourished & moisturized again. This was just the oil to do it. I chose the Cardamon + Vetiver for its earthy, warm scent. It's also going to last me a while. I don't need to use a lot at once because of the rich ingredients.

  • Rosemary Mint Soap by Honeyrun Farm — $4
    I've started a bad habit of picking up handmade soap whenever I see them at markets or small shops. We've got a pile to keep us clean for the entire summer. I have a feeling the pile will grow once the Spring Lake market starts up again. I love all the different fresh scents people make. I got this one while visiting my cousin in Columbus.

  • Rosemary Tea Tree Shampoo by Field Day — $5
    Originally, I went to our local health food store to see if they had any essential oils. They had a few so I perused the rest of the store for other gems & found this Natural Products Association-certified shampoo. I spent way too long deciding between this scent & lavender but was ultimately won over with the rosemary tea tree because of the additional pure essential oils like orange, lemon, & patchouli.

  • Eucalyptus branch from the local flower shop — $2
    This is the easiest thing you can do to freshen up your bathroom. Eucalyptus has brought life into our tiny bathroom & fills it with an intoxicating aroma. I hang it over the showerhead & imagine I'm under a waterfall in some calm lagoon in the jungle. Talk about intoxicating.

  • Jasmine Soy candle — made my 1st batch from this recipe
    Not for my skin but definitely for my soul. I love soy candles & recently learned I could make my own. It's better for the environment & it feels good knowing I made something we use around the house daily. I don't think I put enough jasmine essential oil in the wax because there isn't much of a scent. I'll have to put a lot more in next time around! Making my routine a little more thoughtful has taught me not to trust the package just because companies advertise "organic" & "natural". It's a little more work to dig for the real deal & educate myself but worth it to know what I'm putting on my skin is better for me. Unfortunately, I think there are some product marketing decisions doing damage to the authenticity of ingredients so I love to support people doing the extra work to get it right.

Ok, off my soapbox (ha!) & on to another one. My parents are coming to town this weekend & I'm so excited! They haven't been here since last summer. Mom & I have plans to nerd out in my studio while Joel & Dad will be doing anything but being near the studio (Mom & I tend to get a bit intense when we're brainstorming ideas for projects & making things). I'm looking forward to seeing what we come up with!

What are your plans for the first weekend in April?

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The Sacral Chakra

The original idea with A Replenished Chakra series was to share one chakra a week but when I sat down to write about my experience with the Svadhisthana Chakra, I couldn't do it. A funny thing happens when you listen to your gut. It isn't logic but a tiny whisper inside telling you what you need to do—or what you need not to do. I wasn't ready. So I had to wait until my gut gave me the ok. Which it did, two nights ago when Tiger & I were walking (we're always walking!) in a soft spring drizzle, the smell of wood burning from a nearby chimney. And it's the time right now with the sun shining as I paint. I've found that defining the chakras by a single hue is popular in Western culture but isn't very accurate with how these energies move throughout your body. They are interlaced, layered & the ancient texts describe them with a slew of symbols, spirits & deities. But for the sake of basics & being a beginner, I think this way is easiest to understand.

The sacral chakra is represented by the color orange.

  • Located in the lower abdomen, 2 inches below your belly button.

  • Governs our emotions, creativity, intuition & sexuality.

  • Element is water.

  • It's through the movement of this energy center that provides a balance of the polarities in our life (light/dark, feminine/masculine, self/others), which is why none of us should be sitting for 8 hours or more at a desk. Do you ever feel imbalanced from lack of movement? I do!

  • The symbol is a 6-petaled lotus flower that opens to full & crescent moons, representing a connection to the lunar qualities of the moon. Each petal represents a syllable of Sanskrit, a primal sound uttered in meditation chants to release emotion & get closer to your center.

  • Ailments include anxiety, depression, creative block & low libido.

  • Drinking water, swimming, being open about emotions, human touch & trusting our intuition (a.k.a. that tiny whisper inside you) keep this chakra in balance.

This meditation was tough for me. It didn't flow as easily as the root chakra did. A lot of thoughts & decisions have been weighing on my mind in relation to this chakra so the discomfort didn't surprise me. There wasn't anywhere for me to go, though. I couldn't run away from it by hopping on Facebook, turning up the music, or going out for drinks. I had to sit there with my thoughts & accept who I was & where I am presently. I loved that. Now I know where to begin. Plus, I really do miss my soul sisters! They're running around all over the nation, dream chasin', & I just get sensitive about that (always, always so proud of them).

You can use these essential oils if you're feeling anxious or depressed, to ease muscle spasms or if you're experiencing a creative block.

  • Place a few dabs on the lower abdomen or soles of feet.

  • Bloom + Energize: these oils have a floral scent & are very uplifting. They spark movement. I've been putting jasmine on every morning for this reason (not a morning person!).

  • Nurture + Sooth: Clary sage & nuroli can be used for menstrual cramps because they stop muscle spasms & ease cramping.

  • Jasmine also curbs sweet cravings.

 We often hold our fears & emotional heaviness in the sacral chakra. These rejuvenating oils help to regain focus on what's really bugging us, accept it & then graciously let it go so we can get on with following our desires & pursuing our passions. Go do that crazy & fulfilling thing your gut has been telling you to do this weekend. Your sacral chakra will thank you profusely. I'm on your side, brave one. xo, Em

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode

Apple & Sugar Exfoliator

The alternative skin cleanser experiment continues with the gentle face exfoliator, Apple Soft, Baby. I found this recipe on Sincerely, Kinsey, an amazing blog with great ideas for living more naturally (I'm making her soy candles next!).

This sugar scrub is perfect for removing the dirt & grime that builds up in your pores. I've been using it in addition to my lemon + honey face moisturizer for a few weeks and immediately noticed a change in how my skin felt. Smooth as a baby's bottom!

I like to use this exfoliator in the morning because not only does it clear up blemishes & prevent further breakouts but the brown sugar locks moisture in, keeping my skin hydrated & conditioned throughout the day. The apples are a great source of copper which helps produce melanin, a natural sun protectant. Having a little extra protection on my face now that the sun is coming out more often is a definite plus. The cinnamon dries up oily skin & brings oxygen to the skin's surface. Be sure the "pinch of cinnamon" is a small one since it also brings blood to the skin's surface, causing minor swelling/redness.

This exfoliator has been a great addition to my daily face wash regimen. Here's to looking younger than you are (which means people are still asking me what high school I go to).

Cheers to feeling renewed! Em.

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode

Fly Free

We have bald eagles living by our house. They moved to town at the beginning of February but nobody knows why. I see them perched in trees overlooking the bayou & soaring above the town as I go about my daily routine. Have you ever seen an eagle? His ease as he glides through the air makes for the most powerful aviator. He is the wisest in flight, naturally rising above the chaos until it serves him.

Last week, two eagles started circling Tiger & me as we were out walking. They were stealthy, using the canopy from pine trees & branches to remain hidden as they flew lower & lower to the ground. I looked up & wondered if we were their meal—fish were deep under the frozen water & all the critters were hibernating, after all—but I got so caught up in their majestic soar & their intimidating wingspan that I paused for my predator.

Ok, maybe they weren't hunting.

Maybe they were watching over me. I am a strong believer that humans aren't the only beings who communicate with humans. If that were the case, what good would faith, love, or trust be in this life? We are all connected here. I needed clarification on why I felt so comforted by seeing Eagles that were quite possibly seeing me as their dinner.

Eagles are always very special and good signs. They represent protection, wealth, wisdom, foresight, strength, and spirituality...Sometimes the Great Creator sends in an Eagle just to check up on us, so when we see this, we always give special thanks to the Creator and the Eagle. The Eagle carries our prayers directly to the Great Creator.
— Spirits of the Earth, Bobby Lake-Thom

It then made sense to me because this winter I felt pretty burnt out chasing dreams like a hamster at the wheel (you know, monotonous movement not really leading to anywhere). Mix that with some large doses of reality & you've got a soul-heavy dreamer who can't seem to break her funk. But watching the eagles made me realize why they're here. He really takes care of us, doesn't He? Sending His wonderful beings to remind His wonderful beings that we're all in this together. Reminding us that running away from a challenge will land us right where we started until the lesson is complete.

So I hope the Eagle has been taking my prayers directly to our Great Creator. For me, yes, but more importantly for my brother. Especially this week. He's a young Marine who's had his share of challenges lately & is in the middle of a particularly hellish one as I write this. His wit, his stoic gaze when he's focused on a goal, and his ability to rise above the chaos are just like the Eagle.

I pray my brother is using these strengths to get him through. Good vibes, Em.

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode

The Root Chakra

I have had an amazing experience with the Chakra Meditation Series at On The Path Yoga that I must share with you! At the beginning of the year, I wanted to focus on replenishing my mind, body & spirit so I jumped headfirst into this opportunity.

Each week, the yoga instructor guided us through a meditation where we focused on a specific chakra throughout our body. She was so calm & patient, I immediately felt at ease in the meditation circle. My hopes were to quiet mind chatter & get closer to my center but it quickly became more than that. A whole new world opened up for me! I found myself counting down the hours until the next meditation every week.

We started at the root—the Muladhara Chakra—and worked our way up through the 7 most common chakras.

The root chakra is represented by the color red.

  • Located at the base of the spine.

  • Influences our primal instinct & sense of smell.

  • The symbol is a 4-petaled lotus flower that encircles a square. The square represents its element, Earth & each of her directions; North, West, South, and East. The downward triangle represents the spirit forming into matter, that sense of groundedness that makes us feel open & secure when we are balanced here.

  • Ailments like lower back pain, a poor immune system & anxiety happen when the root chakra isn't in balance.

  • Eating foods directly from the earth, exercising & establishing some daily routines help keep this chakra in balance.

Needless to say, I had quite the meditation. I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day because I had finally accepted the whirlwind of change that has happened in the last year. Accept first, then transform. The Replenished Chakra Series is my first delve into each of the 7 energy centers. It has been a very personal experience I love to share because of how good it's made me feel. It led me to wonder how I could help any of you who may feel similar energy imbalances like I have found in myself.

You can use these essential oils if you're feeling stuck, have an imbalanced digestive system, anxiety, or lower back pain.

  • Place a few dabs across lower back (sacrum, near the root chakra) or soles of feet.

  • Strength + Groundedness: Cedarwood & sandalwood come from trees, rooted deep into the earth.

  • Relax + Unwind: put any of these oils on before bed.

  • Aphrodisiac: Sex is one of the best ways to balance your root chakra so these oils can help stimulate that desire. Always a plus!

  • Patchouli has a very intense smell. That could mean a lot of things. It isn't for everybody but I love it because it's what my mom wears often.

 There are many ways to use essential oils for a more clean & natural living. Teas, food, candles, an alternative to house cleaners, etc. I'm going to begin with cedarwood for my root chakra & borrow some of my mom's patchouli.

Anyone else feeling a bit stiff & rigid from hibernating all winter?! This girl is. So I'm going to soak up some cedarwood, let my hair down & dance those blues away this weekend. My root chakra told me so! xo, Em.

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Career, Living Emily Bode Career, Living Emily Bode

The Art of Communication

There are a lot of forms of art that can be felt wholeheartedly even when they cannot be seen.

Kind of like when you go to the art museum & there's this beautiful canvas that is speaking to you with its intentional strokes. You see a story unfolding, the piece is pulling on your heartstrings & you melt into its motion.

Then a person walks up to it & says to you, "This is art? It's a big yellow box. I could've done that."

The art of communication. The art of perspective.

It's a tricky art, to say the least. I think it's why people hold on so tightly to the ones they meet where something just clicks into place. Because to find a few gems who truly get what you're saying, or will listen despite it sounding a bit coo-coo, is pure magic.

& I'm not sure taking pure magic for granted is allowed.

— xo, Em.

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode

Maturity With a Side of Rebellion

This weekend was funny. It started with getting home late from work because one of our clients has a large project with a short deadline. I felt uneasy as I walked into their executive offices in my hoodie & Converse high-tops (whoops, forgot about the meeting!).

Rookie move. I felt young.

Then I felt old waiting in line to go into a loud bar where I only had a few drinks, acted like I could hear what people were saying over the music & sweating profusely from dancing & trying not to get stepped on or spill my drink. My drink spilled down my shirt & I did get stepped on. Many times.

We were home before last call.

By Saturday, I felt young again when the men at Joel's work party were asking about "that drink that mixes an energy drink with liqueur".

"Oh, Jagerbombs?" I asked.

“Is that what they're called? I can't drink those now. It would send my heart into palpitations!"

I refrained from sharing how delicious that shot was last night at the bar. Marriage, houses, kids, babysitters, grandchildren, made me too young to relate when the night before I was too old to understand. It's what the life of a twenty-something feels like. At least this twenty-something.

One day you're real mature with all these responsibilities you actually asked for & worked really hard to get. The next day you're rebelling all of it to stay young & reckless to remind yourself you're still fun & uninhibited. It often feels like a battle. Like you're fighting to prove yourself at the same time as fighting to be accepted exactly as you are.

Any other twenty-somethings feel me? I'd love to know I'm not the only one.– Em

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode

A Love Letter

I wrote a love letter to myself earlier this week. It flowed out of me on a particularly difficult day. A day where nothing outside of me was working so I was forced to look inward & answer myself, "What are you going to do?" This was my answer.

Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you don't forget to love yourself while you're loving everyone else. It seems you need both. & for when you don't see how you possibly could:

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